
18 Jan 07 Chamberlain, South Dakota


We got a fairly early start from Madison and headed west on I-90. It was a windy day with snow in the air. That made driving a bit tricky and we did see some cars in ditches. Other than the weather it was a n uneventful drive. At Lacrosse, Wisc. , we saw the mighty Mississippi – mostly frozen over in this weather.  We climbed up out of the Mississippi Valley and onto the plains. Over the course of the day we saw very flat and very rolling land, as well as some deep “coulees” ( the local name for gulleys ). We both had come away without some essentials so around noon we found a Kmart and shopped for a bit. We decided to eat at the grill rather than having another freezing lunch out of the back of the van. The weather cleared for awhile, then went back to blowing snow. After more of that we were nearly ready to get off the road at Sioux Falls in mid-afternoon. However, once again it cleared, so we motored on to Chamberlain SD. From the front of our motel we can see the Missouri River.  Good supper at the famous Casey’s Café (where Cracker Barrel got the idea ). 

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