
11 Feb 07 San Antonio, TX to Lake Charles, Louisiana

We enjoyed a long, lazy start today, including breakfast in our room, followed by a car wash - the second one since we went through all the road sludge in Washington & Oregon. This time all the remaining outside muck came off. We drove to Houston, stopping at a handy Target store to stock up on a few things. In Houston we walked through part of the historic district and had lunch. It was very quiet, but it seems to be a nice city. A young baseball team was also eating there and we were amused by the boys’ antics. At the Louisiana Welcome Centre we picked up information on places and events. Then we proceeded to Lake Charles and checked into a hotel. Louisiana looks like it does in movies and magazines. Much more interesting than Texas, which is big and flat and mostly boring. [ we entered Texas at mile 0 on Interstate 10 and left at it’s border at mile 885 - too many Texas miles, but it was more interesting coming down the last 100 miles to Houston - it looks a lot like Ontario - the rest looks like the moon with a little sage brush and tumble weed.  San Antonio Street Cars

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